Something, Anything

Sherlock - A Modern Take On a Classic Series

"Sherlock": This 2010 BBC TV series sees Sherlock Holmes solving crimes in contemporary London, using modern technologies, and with John Watson as his blogger/assistant. 
Each episode is 90 minutes long - more a movie than an episode - but it works. Transplanting Holmes to the 21st century is what refreshes this series. I probably wouldn't have watched this if it were set in earlier periods like most other adaptations. 
After the first season, my only quibbles are these: Holmes looks rather young to be a super sleuth. Perhaps he could have been shown easing into the role, making a few mistakes now and then, instead of presenting him as the world's foremost (and only) consulting detective from the start. Moriarty, too, could have done with some grey - he looks and sounds almost like a teenager. 
Quite recommended for Holmes fans!

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Classified Information

Advt. in Mumbai Mirror (30/6/2011)

I want a female computer too. And a "prom girl". Mr. Tejas Chheda, are you listening? 

(Click the image for a closer look) 

Update: Apparently, yes. 

Advt. in Mumbai Mirror (4/7/2011)

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For Safe Driving....

"Use diaper at nite"

Seen on the back of a truck.

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